Privacy Policy

The privacy of our employees and partners (customers and suppliers, current and prospective) , is important to Hall Telecommunications Supply Ltd. (referred to as “we” or “us” or “HALL “in this policy). The purpose of this policy is to inform you what personal information we collect, how we use it, what may be disclosed to others, how long we keep it, and how you can request access to your personal information or obtain more information about HALL Privacy Policies.

Personal Information
Personal information means any information about you except your name, business title, business address, business email address, business telephone number or business fax number.

Please Note
Names, addresses, and telephone numbers listed in the telephone or other VPIES are not considered personal information.

We are responsible for protecting personal information in our control. We have a designated privacy officer to be accountable for our compliance with this policy and the privacy legislation. If you wish to contact our privacy officer you may do so by one of the following methods:

  • Phone 519-822-5420
  • Fax 519-822-5462
  • Email to

The HALL’s privacy officer is the President.

This Policy is posted for general viewing, in the bulletin board area, located in the kitchen at Hall.

Personal Information Collected
Personal information may include one, some, or all of the following information about you:

a) name, address, and telephone number

b) personal facsimile number and email address

c) occupation (current and past)

d) work history

e) pay history

f) language preference

g) date of birth (we only require to know if you are over 18 and under 65 for purposes of Canada Pension) or actual date of birth for benefits purposes or if requested by WSIB in the event of a work place injury

h) social insurance number; work permit number; and other identification

i) banking information for direct deposit

j) driver’s license number or other photo identification

k) marital status only if needed for benefits application

l) personal emergency contact information

m) hours worked

n) physical limitations and capabilities for job offered

  • o) Credentials to support training and / or education

p) Email address for communication

q) Photograph for swipe card

Please note
Law requires social Insurance Number and/or work permit number at time of hire.

Safeguarding Personal Information
Personal information is protected against, loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying or modification of safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Paper-based personal information is stored in our offices. Electronic information is stored on our computer systems with regular back-up practices.

Use of Personal Information
Your personal information may be used for one or more of the following reasons related to providing customer service to you:

a) provide employment services including references and employment confirmation

b) obtain personal benefits

c) process payment by cheque or direct deposit

d) provide updates and information regarding services

e) follow-up to obtain your feedback on our level of service

Disclosing or Sharing Personal Information
We do not sell your personal information to any outside source. We may be required to share some or all of your personal information with third party service providers including the following:

a) financial institutions (re: direct deposit)

b) insurance companies (re: benefits)

We may also disclose your personal information when we are required or permitted to do so by law – Canada Customs, WSIB, Courts, and other government agencies.

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention
Personal information will be used for the purposes for which it was collected. HALL will not release or sell personal information to third parties unless it is for the purpose identified to the individual or is required to do so under government laws or regulations. Personal information will be kept in accordance with CRA and other Provincial and Federal guidelines and will be retained only as long as necessary. Personal information will be disposed after the appropriate retention period using approved methods including electronic file deletion and paper shredding.


All employees of HALL are at some time exposed to confidential HALL information. The information may be made known to you in print, electronically, or even verbally. This information may be, but is not limited to, financial information, salary information, personal employee information, partner information, strategic information etc. The nature of our relationship with our partners in particular requires maintaining confidentiality. In safeguarding the information received, we earn respect and further trust of our partners and the community.

Employees are asked to use their common sense and good judgment to ensure that HALL and partner information is kept confidential. Employees must take all reasonable steps to ensure that confidential information is kept confidential and to not disclose it to their fellow employee’s, family, friends or any other person, either within or outside of HALL This includes employees with restricted access to partner information not going beyond those restrictions.

Employee’s working with partners must be particularly sensitive to not allow information about partners be overheard or understood in any manner by others. This includes ensuring that when discussing partners’ needs with them, by telephone or in person, that their privacy is always protected.

Any violation of confidentiality seriously injures HALL’s reputation and effectiveness. Even casual remarks can be misinterpreted and repeated. If you hear, see, or become aware of anyone who is breaking this trust, consider what he/she might do with the information they obtain from you.

This policy applies even when you are not at work. It is a breach of policy to communicate any confidential information, including the examples listed above, at any time, by any method, including through the use of Internet vehicles such as blogs, chat rooms, and social sites such as “Facebook”, “MySpace’, etc. There is no such thing as anonymity or security on the Internet. It is also a breach to communicate, in any manner, information, statements and any form of expression that can negatively prejudice and impact HALL, its partners, employees, or other related persons in business and/or in reputation.

If someone questions you who does not work for HALL (or your department) and you are concerned about discussing or divulging certain information, politely refer the request to your Manager or CEO.

If you possess confidential data, you are held personally responsible for its safekeeping. Sensitive and confidential information must be secured when not in use. If you discover confidential information in a place where its confidentiality is not secure you must report this to the appropriate Manager or VP so that this breach does not recur. You will also be required to maintain the confidentiality of the discovered information. Removal and copying of HALL documents, records, or reports without prior approval is prohibited.

Upon termination of employment, however caused, employees are not permitted to take with them any confidential information and must return to HALL all confidential information in their possession, whether original documents or copies thereof, and whether in printed, electronic or other form. This policy and its obligations continue after employment with HALL ends.

Disclosure of confidential information is a serious offense. The breach of any parts of this policy is grounds for discipline up to and including immediate dismissal and/or legal action, and/or informing the authorities, as appropriate.

Discarding HALL Documents
Paper put in the garbage is not automatically shredded. It is essential that employees ensure that any sensitive documents that are to be destroyed are properly shredded. Papers that contain sensitive information such as HALL correspondence, employee information, financial information, partner information, etc. should be destroyed by either being dropped into the shredding box located in the designated area or shredded in a personal shredder. Such documents must never be placed in the garbage or recycling even if they have been ripped up.

Digital media, for example, compact disks, are to be destroyed when the data is no longer needed by HALL.


The purpose of the Information Security Policy is to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and security of the HALL `s information assets and the personal information it collects, uses, retains and discloses in the course of conducting business. HALL is committed to keeping personal information collected confidential, accurate and secure. HALL abides by all federal and provincial privacy legislation.

The information and communication systems of HALL will be used in a responsible manner, respecting the rights and privacy of others and all pertinent laws.

All information stored on these systems, are the property of HALL. Any message or information created, sent, received, stored or accessible, on or through the information and communication systems, forms an integral part of the records. HALL reserves the right to limit or restrict the use of its information and communications systems. All users should be aware that details of the sites they visit may be compiled and/or access to sites may be controlled.

Prohibited Uses
Strictly, prohibited uses include:

  • Malicious, harmful, obscene, illegal or unethical actions or behaviours
  • Violations of federal, provincial or municipal laws or regulations
  • Intentionally viewing, exchanging or storing offensive or inappropriate (i.e., defamatory, discriminatory, harassing, sexually explicit) messages or images
  • Personal use that is excessive, unreasonable, costly, harmful to the reputation or business interests of HALL or interferes with the user’s regular work
  • Information and communication systems use for any commercial purposes other than for the business of HALL
  • Gambling
  • Posting information, opinions or comments on Internet discussion groups, or other similar forums, unless this task forms an integral part of an authorized user’s duties; it is forbidden to suggest that such opinions are shared by HALL
  • Copying software in a manner that is incompatible with the vendor’s license
  • Copying or examining someone else’s files or programs without permission
  • Seeking access or attempting to circumvent computer security methods or operating systems
  • Downloading information from the Internet onto HALL computers is permitted only if it is business-related and approved by HALL management. Material that is patented, protected by copyrights, or otherwise the intellectual property of someone else, must not be downloaded unless the user is legally entitled to do so by applicable law, or in accordance with the terms of any license agreement.

User Responsibilities

  • Comply with all aspects of this policy
  • The user name, electronic mail address, organizational affiliation, and related information included with messages or postings must reflect the actual originator of the messages or postings
  • Users are responsible for all activities performed with his/her personal user ID
  • User passwords must be kept strictly confidential and protected against any means of disclosure. User IDs are not to be shared with another person. Users are prohibited from capturing or otherwise obtaining passwords, encryption keys, or other access control mechanisms, which could permit unauthorized access


Violations of this policy, or its supporting standards, will be investigated and could result in immediate suspension of privileges, and is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, the termination of employment with cause.

Memory Stick Policy
The purpose of the Information Security Policy is to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and security of HALL`S information assets and the personal information it collects, uses, retains and discloses in the course of conducting business. HALL is committed to keep personal information collected confidential, accurate and secure. HALL abides by all federal and provincial privacy legislation.

The information and communication systems of HALL will be used in a responsible manner, respecting the rights and privacy of others and all pertinent laws.

All information stored on Memory Sticks, are the sole property of HALL.

Violations of this policy, or its supporting standards, will be investigated and could result in immediate suspension of privileges, and is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, the termination of employment with cause

Guidelines for Use – Technology

HALL computers, Internet, other business software, e-mail resources, cell phones, Blackberries, tablets and pagers are business systems intended for use by authorized employees to conduct legitimate organizational business only.

All usernames and passwords must be registered with the Manager Projects.

HALL respects the privacy of all of its employees. Employee privacy does not extend to the employee’s use of the HALL computers, and e-mail, Internet or other business software systems. No person using such equipment and/or resources should expect privacy in their communication/use. All e-mail communication and information downloaded from the Internet constitutes HALL property. HALL has the right to monitor and control employee personal content and use of its computers at any time.

The other guidelines that must be followed, unless permission is given by the employee’s manager include:

  1. No loading of software on HALL computers, blackberries and tablets, unless pre-approved.
  2. Outside computers are not allowed in the office unless pre-approved and
  3. Occasional appropriate personal use is permitted as long as it does not interfere with business responsibilities and complies with all HALL policies and procedures. If personal use is required it should be limited to lunch and/or break times only.
  4. Do not share your login and password with another person.

HALL property, including office technology, will not be used in ways that could reasonably be seen to be in violation of the organization’s mandate, mission statement, or anti-harassment/anti-racism/anti-oppression policies. HALL technology will not be used to generate, reproduce, or distribute offensive material or messages. This includes but is not limited to material or messages that contain sexual connotations, racial slurs, or any other comment that offensively addresses someone’s age, gender, race, ancestry, colour, ethnic origin, marital status, same-sex partner status, family status, record of offences, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, nation of origin, class or ability.

Employees, volunteers or students who violate this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Any staff member, volunteer or student who discovers or suspects a violation(s) of this policy is responsible for notifying the offending staff member, volunteer or student’s direct supervisor. Failing to report suspected misuse of equipment will also be considered a violation of this policy.

  1. Employee procedures
  • Use Internet and e-mail for appropriate purposes only
  • Use proper e-mail etiquette
  • Keep your passwords confidential (must be provided to the Manager Projects)
  • Be aware of potential viruses to ensure they are not spread further
  • Be aware that your Internet and e-mail usage is monitored
  • Keep anti-virus software updated including annual renewal
  • Add the e-mail confidential mood stamp to identify confidential or sensitive e-mail
  • Report any suspected misuse of HALL resources to your manager

Not Permitted:

  • Using the Internet and e-mail for inappropriate activities
  • Using your access to commit criminal offences, or harm HALL reputation
  • Sending messages or accessing websites that may be offensive to others
  • Downloading software, music, or videos
  • Installing file-sharing software
  • Participating in on-line games
  • Joining chat rooms or participating in discussions unless they are specifically related to your job
  • Trying to bypass the system controls
  • Using e-mail for non-HALL commercial or advertising purposes
  • Misusing copyrighted material

Note: External email is not encrypted so careful consideration should be taken when sending confidential or sensitive information over the Internet.

  1. 2. Guidelines for Use – Office Equipment

Office equipment is available to facilitate the work of HALL. It is the expectation that all office equipment will be used according to appropriate office policies and procedures. Office equipment includes but is not limited to phones, cell phones, voicemail, Blackberries, tablets, laptops, computers, fax machine, copier, postage machine, printers, scanners, pagers, etc.

  1. Corporate Social Media Use

This section is designed to provide guidelines regarding the appropriate use of the company Social Media accounts

  1. Do not disclose confidential or proprietary information on the HALL social media pages. Disclosure of confidential or proprietary information without prior authorization may result in immediate termination.
  2. HALL employees, volunteers or students will be held responsible for what they write or post on the HALL social media pages. Inflammatory comments, disparaging remarks, or negative/inappropriate language or posts may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  3. HALL employees, volunteers and students are directed not to engage in discussions regarding legal issues in which the HALL is involved, or government issues related to HALL without prior approval from the CEO.
  4. Respect copyrights. Don’t post text, images or video that was created by someone else without proper attribution and/or authorization. If you have questions about copyright law and/or usage of certain media, speak to your direct Manager.
  5. Social media websites are not a substitute for inter-HALL communications. Important information should be transmitted within normal company communication channels, not on social media websites.
  6. In the event that a HALL employee, volunteer or student discovers any group(s) that users have formed to discuss HALL or its services, please bring them to the attention of the CEO.
  7. Relay important issues to management as soon as possible
  8. If you have any questions about how to respond to a specific post or group, discuss the issue with management prior to posting.

Personal Social Media Use
HALL staff members that maintain personal social media accounts are required to comply with the following guidelines as they relate to their association with HALL.

a) Where an employee, volunteer or student uses social media during working hours, they shall limit their use to breaks and meal periods. Access during working hours has a negative impact on user productivity or efficiency. As internet access at HALL is monitored, please be advised that excessive use of social media for personal reasons other than during breaks and meal periods is a misappropriation of HALL time and resources and may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

b) Use of personal social media may not conflict with any of HALL’s existing policies whatsoever. This includes (but is not limited to) the Standards of Conduct Policy, Confidentiality Policy and Media Communications Policy.

c) Employees that use these sites are prohibited from disseminating any private organizational information therein, or any negative comments regarding the organization.

d) Posts involving the following will not be tolerated and will subject the individual to discipline:

  • Proprietary and confidential HALL information;
  • Discriminatory statements or sexual innuendos regarding co-workers, volunteers, students, management or partners; and
  • Inappropriate pictures that would be viewed unprofessional
  • Defamatory statements regarding the HALL, its employees, volunteers, students, management or partners

Where an employee mentions the HALL, they will be required to include a disclaimer stating that any opinion expressed are the employee’s own and do not represent the HALL’s positions, strategies, or opinions.

Employees are expected to conduct themselves professionally both on and off duty. Where a staff member publically associates with the HALL, all materials associated with their page may reflect on HALL. Please be advised that inappropriate comments, photographs, links, etc. should be avoided.

HALL policies governing the use of copyright materials, corporate logos and other forms of branding and identity apply to electronic communications. Employees are prohibited from using HALL protected materials (copyright material, branding and/or logo(s)) without prior express written permission.

HALL employees are prohibited from speaking on behalf of HALL, releasing confidential information, releasing news, or communicating as a representative of the organization without prior authorization to act as a designated HALL representative.

HALL strictly prohibits the use of contractors’ computer resources for use in the illegal download or upload of copyright materials without express written permission and authorization from the copyright holder.

Personal Use

Occasional use of office equipment is permitted during lunch and break times. If significant postage or photocopying is required by an employee it is requested that these resources be paid back to HALL by way of a donation. Donations may be directed to the Manager Projects.

6. Policy Questions

Questions of any kind regarding this policy or its application may be directed to the President/CEO or if they are unavailable and your inquiry is time sensitive your supervisor or another member of Management.
(Related Documentation: Ontario Human Rights Code)

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